Recycling with AI/ML and The Stained-Glass Cookie Experiment

National Science Week Theme 2022 - Glass: More than Meets the Eye!

The following article has been written by the team at Girls Day Out in STEM, Eureka Explorers, and Careers with STEM.

This year’s National Science Week theme is Glass: more than meets the eye! Join Girls Day Out in STEM (GDOS) on a magical journey through the world of glass - one of the most transformational materials today!  Glass is moving from a passive role in bygone eras to a functional role now. This is the Age of Glass!

What is behind this everyday, mundane material is rather extraordinary. Glass’ transformational properties can actually help humankind solve some of the world’s biggest issues. Can you believe it? Glass might be this century’s answer to achieving the UN Sustainability Goals and even be a hero in leveling inequality, poverty and justice. That’s a tall order…can glass really deliver on this? Come with us on this path of discovery and decide for yourself if glass is all that!

Slowly our planet has realised that it will be difficult to continually make new things. Our throw away mentality impacts our world (not in a good way) and directly contributes to our climate problems🌏. If we want to make a difference, we need to reset our thinking and consider recycling more. Join us and Google Software Engineers, Courtney and Sophia, on the wonderment of AI/ML where we’ll be combining technology and sustainability to sort our rubbish.

Did you know that glass is actually quite sustainable? It can be crushed, remelted and made into new products♻️. Just like our modern engineers at Google, Cinderella can come into the 21 century and recycle those glass slippers🥿🥿. She has sent her discarded glass slippers to be crushed, melted at very high temperatures and made into new products. Now loaded with STEM knowledge, our fairy tale of ‘once upon a time’ can end with a new happily ever after – a better planet for all of us✨

After all that fun with sorting, be a modern scientist and simulate glass recycling with our stained-glass cookie experiment 🧪🔬. Your craft will be to combine creativity with the transformational power of glass (sugar in this case🧁). Through the very simple process of baking, you will get to see via your very own scientific experiment how you are controlling glass' chemical, thermal and optical properties when you use sugar which has similar properties to glass and melt it at high temperatures (in the oven). The best is that you can chomp, chomp, chomp on your finished experiment (the cookies) out of the oven after the results have cooled down ❄️✨👩‍🍳 Yummy!!! 😊

Remember to share the best moments of your transformational science journey to put on our GDOS socials. Of course, Girls Day Out in STEM wouldn’t be the same without awesome prizes – there are many to be won!!

So what is AI/ML?

AI is about developing computer systems that use data to perform ‘intelligent’ tasks like reasoning and decision making. ML is one way of building these systems, where you provide a computer with examples of what it should do and then it learns how to do it.

AI/ML can be used in a range of different industries – from education to health and in recycling like you’ll learn through the GDOS event. Cool careers you could have in AI/ML include: automation engineer, data scientist or analyst, machine learning engineer, robotics engineer and/or software engineer.

How does the Girls Day Out in STEM (GDOS) Recycling with AI/ML and the Stained-Glass Cookie Experiment work?

●      Register: Get access to find out why glass is so extraordinary, the Google masterclass on AI/ML recycling and the SECRET stained-glass cookie recipe for the experiment 💻

●      Recycle and Sort: Reach out to your friends and family or work with your school to do the activities 👧 🧒🏼

●      Experiment with Baking: Create your transformational stained-glass cookies and enjoy with friends and family 🥣🍪

●      Share: Let’s see your finished products 🧁

●      Poll: Vote to have your say 👏

●      Win: All those registered will be in the draw to win prizes 🎉

Sign up: you have one whole week to complete the recycling/sorting activity and the baking experiment during National Science Week August 13-21, 2022, starting from 9:00am.😲

Why do the challenge?

Event organiser Petriea Skitek says the challenge connects with National Science Week’s theme - Glass: More than meets the eye.

"As we’ve collaborated with Google over the years, we’re aware of Google’s AI and Machine Learning (ML) modelling. If you joined us for National Science Week 2021, we learnt from our engineering friends at Google Cloud all about AI/ML with our bake-off activity. Now this year we are going to extend that learning to Recycling with AI - that is a recycling activity and a baking experiment once again along with our software friends at Google.”

“Sustainability is such a timely topic as we regenerate our world. Let’s have some fun and learn about recycling at the same time as helping to repair the planet.”

Join us for a better ever after - let’s get recycling with AI and baking with ‘glass* transformations’. *(sugar substitute)

Register now and be in the draw for some great Google prizes 🎉

Register for Girls Day Out in STEM (GDOS) Recycling with AI/ML and the Stained-Glass Cookie Experiment here. You’ll have one whole week to complete the recycling/sorting activity and the baking experiment during National Science Week 2022 (August 13-21).


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